Listen & Rate
More prayer categories

Listen and Rate the Prayers

Thank you for coming to the “Rate the Prayers” section. You will note that there are more prayer categories listed here than there are on the opening page. This is because there are more prayers that you can add to your iPod than simply those on the opening page. Please take time to listen to and rate them and download the additional prayers you think will be helpful to you!


More prayer categories

Listen and Rate the Prayers

Thank you for coming to the “Rate the Prayers” section. You will note that there are more prayer categories listed here than there are on the opening page. This is because there are more prayers that you can add to your iPod than simply those on the opening page. Please take time to listen to and rate them and download the additional prayers you think will be helpful to you!



Kids Prayers



Prayers for the World

*NEW* Psalms

*NEW* Prayers in Other Languages

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